Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci

COURSE OF Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics (MPhys 4 years)

University of Kent

University of Kent (Canterbury)



Kent runs a fantastic programme for students who are inspired by the wonders and vastness of the universe. In this course, there are opportunities to investigate the possibilities of life elsewhere in the universe. You get involved with real space missions from ESA and NASA, and can work on Hubble Telescope data and images from giant telescopes. Astronomy, space science and astrophysics allow us to see the Universe and our place in it. Through studying these subjects mankind has continually enlarged its horizons and explored the cosmos. The subjects continually evolve and change every year based on discoveries by researchers around the world. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences, practised by most of the world's ancient civilisations, and one of the most modern, relying for many recent discoveries on high technology and the space programme. It is an observational science that provides a view of the vast ranges of scales of space, time and physical conditions in the Universe.

Master of Physics - MPhys

Duration: 4 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: ABB (±16 PT)

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