Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci

COURSE OF Computer Engineering

London South Bank University

London South Bank University (Southwark)



Computer Engineering combines the expertise of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics and offers the opportunity to explore a wide range of computer engineering applications, to design and develop software, hardware and networking systems for a variety of fields in today's fast-changing marketplace.
You'll gain a lot of experience in using industry-standard equipment, computer programming and simulation packages. It is a hands-on course with strong emphasis on both theory and practice and opportunities to gain practical experience by solving real-world problems. Most of our engineering courses share a common first Year, which offers you the flexibility to change the degree programme if you desire. At the end of your second year of the BEng (Hons) Computer Engineering course you will be given the possibility to transfer onto the MEng course.

Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - BEng (Hon)

Duration: 3 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: BBB (±15 PT)

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