Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci

COURSE OF Education and Psychology (Primary Teaching Pathway)

Bath Spa University

Bath Spa University (Bath)



The Primary Teaching Pathway is ideal if you intend to qualify as an early years or primary school teacher. It is a three-year undergraduate programme which prepares you for a career in Primary Teaching and offers a guaranteed interview for our Primary PGCE programme. This route into teaching is very flexible – you won’t have to attend your PGCE interview if you change your mind in three years time.
We prepare you to work with learners of all ages within the education sector and beyond. You’ll graduate with the knowledge and skills to work in educational and training advisory roles in a range of organisations including businesses, local authorities, non-government organisations, charities, museums, art galleries and libraries. We believe that education is about change and we hope that you are coming into it to be an active participant. We also want you to be a thoughtful and informed citizen who knows about the world and the society in which you live. The scientific study of the human mind and behaviour is inherently fascinating. Our team of lecturers are passionate about the subject of psychology, using a range of teaching methods to engage and inspire you. We are as much concerned about your student experience with us, as we are about your destination after graduation. You’ll graduate with a range of transferable skills – from data handling, computer skills and effective communication to teamwork, critical thinking and the application of theory to practice. We aim to prepare you for many kinds of career, within and allied to Psychology, providing you with relevant skills and knowledge within an enabling and empowering learning environment.

Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Duration: 3 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: BCC-CCC (±14 PT)

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