COURSE OF English and American Literature and Comparative Literature

University of Kent (Canterbury)
Taking Comparative Literature alongside English and American Literature enables you to gain strong insight into literary cultures across the world, benefitting from expertise in both the School of European Culture and Languages and the School of English. In Comparative Literature, you have the opportunity to study texts ranging from Classical Antiquity to the present day in English translation, including works by such famous authors as Homer, Ovid, Dante, Goethe, Dostoevsky, Balzac, Flaubert, Proust and Kafka, as well as British classics such as Joyce and Woolf. English at Kent is challenging, flexible, and wide-ranging. It covers both traditional areas (such as Shakespeare or Dickens) and newer fields such as American literature, creative writing, postcolonial literature and recent developments in literary theory. The combination with Comparative Literature allows you to compare themes and figures across various different cultural backgrounds.
Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)
Duration: 3 years
Study mode: Full-time
Qualification requirements: BBB (±15 PT)
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