COURSE OF English and Creative Writing and Law

University of Strathclyde (Glasgow)
Our approach to the English and Creative writing course is innovative, modern and friendly, giving you a comprehensive understanding of English literature as a core basis for your creative work. The emphasis is on helping you develop a range of skills to grow your future career, including textual analysis and interpretation. With us, you can study everything from poetry, the novel and drama (stage, screen and radio) as you would expect on an English and Creative Writing degree, but in addition at Strathclyde we offer the opportunity to use creative writing skills as part of your approach to literary criticism. As part of your experience you’ll get the chance to work with award winning scholars and creative writers. We have a reputation for getting to know students as individuals. We also offer a wide range of options, many of them unique in the UK, reflecting our staff interests and expertise.
Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)
Duration: 4 years
Study mode: Full-time
Qualification requirements: ABB-BBB (±15 PT)
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