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Da Vinci

COURSE OF English Language

Aston University, Birmingham

Aston University, Birmingham (Birmingham)



Our innovative English Language degree aims to provide you with a theoretical knowledge and understanding of the English language, how it works in society and its role in the world today. At the same time we emphasise the practical application of English Language studies to the real world through professionally relevant modules in areas such as Teaching and Learning English or Language in the Workplace or Language and the Law. Your First Year of studying English Language at Aston will give you a broad introduction to language and meaning, to the influence of form and context and to the role of language in society. In the Second Year you build upon the themes introduced in your First Year through the study of core and elective modules designed to equip you to describe the features of spoken and written language in technical detail, as well as collecting, managing and working with linguistic data. In the Final Year you can choose from a wide range of elective modules to suit your interests and/or career plans. You will also produce a substantial piece of individual work in the form of a dissertation on an agreed topic of your choice.

Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Duration: 4 years

Study mode: Sandwich

Qualification requirements: ABB-BBB (±15 PT)

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