Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci


Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester)



The Fine Art programme is taught by professional artists who are actively engaged in contemporary practice. You will be encouraged to think outwardly from within the two core areas – painting/print media and sculpture/time-based art. Emphasis is placed on a proactive approach to studio practice and its contextualisation within contemporary art and society. This is fostered through studio critiques, tutorials and practice-led seminar programmes. Additionally, you select seminars and lectures from the faculty-wide historical and critical framework, the transdisciplinary Unit X and the language department. You will be encouraged to take an open-minded and investigative approach and consider your work in relation to the developments in the subject area. The programme is supported by extensive workshop provision, academic and technical expertise and access to the cultural sector in the North West and beyond. We provide opportunities to engage in the contemporary art world through study trips, exhibitions, student exchange programme, visiting artist’s lectures and Whitworth talks. Unit X is an innovative unit offered to students across Manchester School of Art; it encourages interdisciplinary study and collaboration on an external-facing project.

Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

Duration: 3 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: BBC (±15 PT)

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