Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci


University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh)



This five-year programme combines the studio practice of fine art with the academic study of the history of art. It is unique in its duration and in the fact that equal weight is given to each side of the programme during your studies. Our intention is to produce graduates who have a professional understanding of artistic practice and who also possess an extensive and well-based knowledge and understanding of art history and the methods of its study. While undertaking your practice-based study you will work in purpose-built studios in a friendly and challenging creative practice environment. Your other studies will be spent with students from a wide range of arts and humanities subjects (especially in the early years) studying the intensive art history component of the programme. Our staff include a mix of practicing artists, visual-culture theorists and curators, who publish and exhibit nationally and internationally.

Master of Arts (with Honours) - MA (Hons)

Duration: 5 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: ABB (±16 PT)

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