Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci

COURSE OF Geography

University of Greenwich

University of Greenwich (Greenwich)



BSc Hons Geography degree students study the natural world and learn about the impact humans have on the environment. The range of skills geography graduates acquire makes them attractive to a wide range of employers. In first year, students follow courses that explore geographic issues from the perspectives of natural, physical and social science. In Years 2 and 3 they specialise in physical geography courses. The dissertation provides a unique opportunity to study a topic of particular interest in considerable depth. Fieldwork is an essential part of the programme with trips funded by the Department. Trips have included visits to the New Forest, Lake District and Spain. Successful completion of at least 36 weeks of the optional work placement will result in the award of a Diploma of Industrial Study. We also have collaborative arrangements with universities in the Netherlands, Italy, and France, permitting students to study abroad for a period of time under the Erasmus European Exchange scheme. The aims of this programme are:

Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Duration: 6 years

Study mode: Part-time

Qualification requirements: BBC (±15 PT)

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