COURSE OF German and Spanish

University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
The study of German at Edinburgh covers not only the language, but also a broad range of literary and cultural topics. These include film, theatre, translation, politics and gender, Germany and Islam, East German studies, Brecht, the Third Reich and the Holocaust, German Romanticism, Goethe and Schiller, and medieval studies. The oral language practicals cover a wide range of stimulating up-to-date cultural and political topics. You will study two of the most widely-spoken and professionally useful world languages, and will gain an excellent grasp of the most important cultural developments in the German- and Spanish-speaking worlds. You will be taught by world-leading specialists in all these areas. You will benefit from access to extensive and constantly updated study resources, including audio-visual and web-based resources and rich library holdings.
Master of Arts (with Honours) - MA (Hons)
Duration: 4 years
Study mode: Full-time
Qualification requirements: AAA-ABB (±16 PT)
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