Estudar no Estrangeiro
Da Vinci

COURSE OF Nursing (Adult)

Swansea University

Swansea University (Swansea)



2017/18 Funding Update: The Welsh Government announced in December 2016 that UK students who are studying in Wales and commit to working here for 2 years following the completion of their degree will still be entitled to the current funding structure (September 2017 and March 2018 cohorts). Students who currently live in Wales and students not currently living in Wales who do not wish to commit to working in Wales for 2 years following completion of their degree will still be able to study in Wales but will need to secure funding from an alternative sources, this may include funding from the relevant funding body in their home country or self-finance.
Information regarding funding for subsequent intakes has not yet been released by the Welsh Government.

Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Duration: 3 years

Study mode: Full-time

Qualification requirements: BBB (±15 PT)

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