COURSE OF Photography

Bradford College (Bradford)
The BA (Hons) Photography course will encourage you to pursue your own area of interest within the broad context of editorial photography, including: advertising, fashion, documentary, photo journalism and multimedia. You will be given the opportunity to interrelate academic investigation and industrial practice needs. You will acquire the rigorous, transferable skills of investigation, research and critical decision making necessary to perform within a multitude of industry demands. It is intended on completion of the final year you should be fully equipped to meet the challenged and demands of the current employment market and have the necessary skills to meet a variety of current sector demands. An active and collaborative approach to learning is encouraged on this course. You are encouraged to develop personal and professional independence, and maintain a self-managed approach to learning. This is facilitated through a project based approach to learning, which develops academic independence through a variety of individual research topics. As the course progresses, we place an increasing emphasis on independent learning and critical self-awareness, culminating in the production of a personal and professionally executed final collection and portfolio which demonstrates creativity and a range of appropriate professional skills. Delivered by academics and professionals who have a wide range of relevant industry experience and knowledge, the course provides high quality technical and creative support and provides access to industry standard facilities. The course has been specifically designed to develop expertise in Photographic technique and creativity. It focuses on developing independent and creative thinking and aims to prepare you for employment in the Creative Industries. The course has a proven track record of providing students with a pathway into a broad variety of photographically-based jobs. By the end of the course, you will be able to compete for, and generate your own work.
Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)
Duration: 3 years
Study mode: Full-time
Qualification requirements: CCD (±13 PT)
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